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Saturday, December 3, 2016

Gingerbread House Contest: The 2016 Entries


Before viewing the entries, I must reveal two major TWISTS in the plot:
1. This year's "gingerbread houses" aren't made of gingerbread! 
Nope, they're not your classic graham cracker or milk carton house either! 
This year we used Matzo.
Apparently, Matzo houses are a thing...? We weren't aware of this new cultural awakening. We weren't trying to stay hip with new trends. We were doing just as we had in years past -using what we had.  And we had a case of Matzo. It was expired. And the rest is history.
2. Some of this year's "gingerbread houses" aren't even houses!
They are, however, completely edible (not that you'd want to eat any of them), and held together with a royal icing "glue".  So, they were created in a gingerbread house style - with a stale Matzo flair.
The artist behind each entry will not be revealed until the voting results are in.
After reviewing the photos below, please use ONE of these three options to cast your vote:
1. Use the poll box in the side panel (top right hand side on a PC)
2. Click the "comment" link at the end of the post and share your vote. 
3. Send an email to
A winner will be announced on December 20th!
This "gingerbread house" is the cheerful creation of a true chicken lover - quaint, colorful, and carefully designed.

 This "gingerbread house" is a nod to renovation projects and the classic case of "almost finished."

This "gingerbread house" isn't a house at all, but a bold display of creativity and resourcefulness.


I'm working on a post with a sneak peek "Behind the Scenes of our Matzo House Construction." I will post the link here when it is ready. Or you can Subscribe and receive new posts by email!
We'd love to hear your thoughts, questions, and comments on this year's entries. Drop us a note in the comment box below. 
And don't forget to vote!

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